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Education Leaders & Governors

From national communities of best practice, to training programmes and resources, we are here to support Education Leaders and Governors in schools and colleges across England.

School Leaders and Governors

There have been significant changes to careers education in recent years, with new statutory guidance from the Department for Education, updates to the Ofsted inspection handbook and new models and approaches to careers education being rolled out across England.

How we support School Leaders and Governors

  • Make your careers education programme as efficient as possible
  • Help your Careers Leader to increase their impact
  • Match your insitution with a senior business volunteer to shape your careers programme
  • Funding for your Careers Leader
  • Information on supporting your school to maximise the value of careers education including the Careers Link Governor role
  • Enabling the professional development of Governors and staff through online learning opportunities

NEW School/College improvement through Careers Leadership

Funded training offer aimed at senior leaders.

Find out more

College Leaders and Governors

FE colleges are an important part of the careers education system in England. We work with the Association of Colleges (AoC) to support high quality careers education in colleges and provide a community of practice, events and training. 

Visit our dedicated FE pages on the Resource Directory to find out more.


Questions about colleges?

For further information on our support for colleges, get in touch at 

Connect: The College Careers Community

In partnership with AoC, this termly bulletin that acts as a national community of practice for the sector to connect, innovate and collaborate in support of careers and progression activities for your learners. 

FE and ITPs Connect Newsletter