Become a Cornerstone Employer
Become a Cornerstone Employer and join our flagship community of more than 450 businesses across England.

What is a Cornerstone Employer?
A Cornerstone Employer is a business of any size that provides high quality careers outreach and opportunities for young people aligned to the local economy.
Cornerstone Employer Groups work together within a geographical area to target disadvantage, promote pathways, upskill and inform educators, parents and carers and drive better outcomes for young people.
They have developed into a flagship community of more than 450 businesses across England. They collaborate closely with our Careers Hubs, to support world class careers education at scale in their local region.
Why become a Cornerstone Employer?
Businesses tell us getting involved in their local community as a Cornerstone Employer is a key element in making their recruitment more effective, to building a stronger, diverse, talent pipeline, and ensuring their connection to local people is deeper. But more specifically, it can help your business to:
Champion social mobility by working strategically with your local Careers Hub team to support those who face the most barriers to reach their potential when they leave education
Collaborate with like-minded businesses and partners to drive greater impact, at scale
Deliver quality in careers education outreach in your area through the Employer Standards Framework
Effectively engage your staff to join our network of business volunteers who partner with local schools/colleges to inspire young people into your industry and close skills gaps
Find out more
To learn how to get involved or find out more, register your interest now.
Contact our Business Partnerships TeamIt is important for us as a Cornerstone Employer and an anchor institute in Buckinghamshire, to align with our Careers Hub and other employers across the county to maximise the impact we can make and offer healthcare opportunities to local young people that supports our talent pipeline.Elaine Pope Head of Engagement, Culture & Organisational Development Bucks Healthcare Trust