SENCO module

SENCO Development Course - 'Understanding Pathways and Career Opportunities
We recognise the importance of the SENCO and the SEND team and the significant role they play in the life of a young person with SEND. We also recognise the time limitations of this role and the need for a joined-up approach and collaboration across teams to ensure that every young person is supported to make their best next step.
This course is designed to support SENCOs and their teams in understanding the role they play in careers education and how they can, through the work they already do, support young people to make informed choices about their best next step and potential career pathway.
The course aims to help SENCOs and their teams to:
- Understand the range of pathways available for young people with SEND.
- Develop the confidence required to initiate careers conversations.
- Access a range of resources to support young people.
- Find out where further information and guidance is available.